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Anna Maria Rozek is one the most impressive and pleasant persons I have ever met in my life. Years ago I already made an interview with her for German media.
Now I had a fresh chance and talked to the Polish woman about new and current topics. She is there for the people. And here is what she said.

Looking back on your membership in the Warsaw City Council. What do you miss?
Anna Maria Rozek: I always wanted to be a politician and serve the people. Changing the world was my calling from the time I was a little girl. All my girlfriends were dreaming of becoming actresses or models. I wanted to become an attorney and politician, which I achieved. But as well I have had a soft spot in my heart for fashion as most women do.
When I am looking back on my Membership in the Warsaw City Council, it was like a dream come true. I enjoyed serving people, making changes in the local community, and having influence on the important issues of Warsaw. The experience was challenging and very interesting at the same time, I really learned a lot there and my legal education and work experience helped me to fulfill my duties the best way I could.
Now I’ve decided to put my passion from politics to social work – and I am involved in a lot of Non-Government Organizations. But I miss debates, voting on important issues for the community and looking at how those rulings are implemented and making Warsaw one of one of the best European cities to live.
You are now known as the head of an art gallery. What is so fascinating about this business?
Anna Maria Rozek: I am executive director of GOYPA (Gallery of Young Polis Art). I was always interested in Art and being around it every day makes me really fulfilled. I enjoy working with Polish artists and selecting the artwork for our Gallery. At the same time we are creating a new brand in Europe.
We are also expanding outside of Poland by opening a new art showroom in Paris on 9th of June. It is certainly exciting to be part of the dynamic art industry.
Every day I learn new things about art, management and business. Working in the Gallery broadens my horizons and my knowledge as well. I am also graduating this year in Management of Arts, from the University of Warsaw.
For me, education is the key to success and self-development I am, therefore, very happy for the opportunity to make additional faculty in something that has been always my passion.
Beside that you spend a lot of unsalaried time in charity and helping others. Tell us about it.
Anna Maria Rozek: Charity and social service was always my passion – from there my political adventure started, so spending time on helping others or being involved in important projects for the community feels for me more like a hobby and makes me fulfilled.
I wouldn’t be able to survive without this, whenever I was in the world I always volunteered in a lot of projects. I did that in the USA, Africa and other places where I used to travel to. That’s always a way to make a positive influence worldwide, even if it’s a small project.
I believe everything with value starts with a little effort and even a small thing can change someone’s world for the better.
If every person did something good for the community, the world would become a better place to live and we would have more happy people around. Nowadays, it is even more important to be involved in social service, taking into consideration what is happening worldwide, including war in Ukraine.
As a privileged citizen of the European Union I am very proud of Poles who have been actively involved in helping Ukrainian people. My team from the Art Gallery and my whole family are involved in organizing first aid for people who are still in Ukraine, and those who are already in Poland.
How is your current personal situation about Ukraine regarding Poland and Warsaw?
Anna Maria Rozek: I’m a very emphatic person, so first months of the war where very hard for me, especially because I was witnessing with my own eyes what mothers with children was going through.
What is happening in Ukraine is devastating for everyone worldwide. Looking at railway stations in Warsaw filled with refugees who have been forced to leave their home and now are struggling abroad is unfair.
At this point, Poles with the Polish government try to provide all the basic social security that is possible, like housing, health care, education and other social benefits. Varsovians are very hospitable and try their best to make Ukrainians feel like home.
Everyone in Poland tries to offer some help for those who struggle. Now I’m looking optimistically in the future hoping that brave Ukraine will soon win the war and all refugees will be able to go back to their homeland.
In the Gallery we help everyone in need by organizing the collection of the things which we send to the border. We even held an auction of expensive paintings made by Jozef Wilkon, one of the most popular painters in Poland, and we dedicated all the money to help Ukraine.
What are your plans for the future? Anything you can tell us exclusively?
Anna Maria Rozek: Well, I have quite a lot of plans. It includes my personal development, education and gaining more work experience. I believe I have a lot of talents and creativity, so I would like to gain more knowledge in marketing, sales and have a more worldwide overview on business, because I would like to own one on my own in the future.
My dream is to build a family business. I’m always open to new opportunities and I’m very curious about new challenges. Politics is still in my heart, so if I get a new chance, I may not say no… But only if I stay in Poland and it won’t affect my plans to have a family or worldwide career.
I still think one of the purposes of my life is having children and an amazing husband who will be my partner in crime in whatever we decide to do in our life. I believe that in life you can have everything: career, love, passion and family.
I’m generally open for what future brings and I’ll decide what is the best for me when the right time comes. Certainly, one of my long-term goals is to open an NGO on my own to help less privileged women to provide them with education and necessary training so they can build up their self-confidence and professional skills to stand up on their own two feet and create the life of their dreams.
I believe that the place of our birth shouldn’t determine our life and everyone should have equal opportunities to success based in their skills and abilities.
Web: annamariarozek.pl
Facebook: @AnnaMariaRozekPolityk
Instagram: @annamariarozek_
– Media representatives are welcome to use this interview for editorial publications.
– Photos on request at blog@sierks.com.
© Fotos: Anna Maria Rozek, Maciej Fryszer